Airports can now raise Service Levels by using the latest DMA Online Complaints and Suggestions software full story...
Airlines will improve Pilot Certification and Compliance with Accreditation Tracking solution from DMA full story...
Waste Disposal Firm to increase Customer Service by Automating Route Planning full story...
Solicitors Increase efficiency by installing DMA Document Management Software full story...
National Training Awards go online with latest Web Application from DMA full story...
DMA announce advanced Sales Process solution for B2B enterprises full story...

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Prospector n. - one who explores an area for deposits of gold.
The DMA Sales Process Management (SPM) tool, Prospector, is an integral part of the DMA Sentinel docuMentor software suite designed for the small and medium B2B enterprise.
Using traditional tried and tested work flow the SPM solution is easy to use, simple to implement and documents every stage of the sales process and through every stage of the sale. Sales Managers can view real time activity for revenue forecasts and track progress of individual sales, sales force activity and highlight any areas that need support.
Telemarketing is made as easy as possible while tracking progress and time of each call. Options for nominating process activity points and levels provide for more accurate forecasting and true analysis of sales efficiency. Individual performance can be monitored as can sector and geographical area. The system highlights where sales projects are in danger of stalling and conversely where time is critical to signing off those worthwhile contracts.
Suspect, Prospect and Potential client data is held at head office but accessible via internet or home based wide area networks. Allocation of sales leads and suspects is carried out by Sales Management and each sale is tracked in real time. Documents are processed via the head office automatically as are copies of all emails and telephone calls made by sales staff.
Potential clients are given life time files within the Document Management system for use in future sales promotions and may be linked to the sales persons future activity.
Prospector will manage your sales process, help your sales staff complete more sales and ultimately improve your business prospects.
Forward thinking organisations are looking beyond their Accounting software and tired CRM solutions. They can see the real benefit of implementing software that fine tunes their business in ways that are easy to use and simple to implement. Data Management Associates have developed an integrated suite of software that provides advanced document management, work flow and process design tools, sales process management software in addition to a range of infinitely adaptable applications that work to increase efficiencies and reduce valuable time overheads.
Document Management
"Who's got that missing sales order?" - No more missing files. There is far more to document management than Word templates, amendable mail shots, and customised marketing although we do of course include these useful features as standard. The Data Management Associates solution provides backup to your administration processes and an easy to use enterprise wide filing system that means that 'lost files' are a thing of the past. We retain all created, sent and received files, including email, Word, Excel, pdf ... within an ordered filing system that takes minutes to learn. Sounds easy, but don't be fooled, behind this scalable software ( it can handle 75 users and thousands of documents) is a sophisticated data management system that users don't see, that protects your data, and reminds you when important actions need to be undertaken.
Work Flow
"Why do you do it that way?" - Everyone working to the same sheet. Every organisation is built on a number of work flow processes, from the prescribed method of greeting someone on the telephone to tracking the certification and accreditation of employees and sub contractors. In order that consistency can prevail Data Management Associates have developed an intuitive method of building processes in-house. It can be set up in a day and end users need very little training. Work Flow and Process management are the foundation of every successful organisation.