DMA have developed an Auditing and Compliance solution particularly suited to Airlines and in relation to Pilot Compliance.
The TACT Smart Solution is a turn key auditing solution which includes all the elements of a successful compliance solution. This means that Data Management Associates are well placed to meet the highest service requirements for your auditing and compliance needs with a solution that works exceptionally well.
Designed with Audit Professionals, TACT uses the terms Process Objective, Control Objective, ICQ and Required Action Point (RAP). TACT customisation options include the ability to replace these terms, for example Process Objective may be termed The Audit Objective, ICQ may be termed Compliance Questions.
TACT's clean interface ensures users can navigate through the features with ease. The compliance module offers four selections, the audit module, the template creation module, the analysis module and finally the the administration module.
The Audit templates (questionnaires) are created within the template section, these can be Auditor led or Self Assessment mode templates. New templates can be added and existing templates edited, templates no longer in use can be retired. Self Assessment templates are intended for use by non-auditors. Although the templates are constructed in the same way, when in use they will not offer the override flexibility built into the Auditor Mode. A simple change type option allows templates created for Auditor Mode to be made available for Self Assessment without the need to re-create the template.
Each Questionnaire has a single Process Objective, the Audit Key Risks can be identified as can the scope. Within a Questionnaire there are one or more Control Objectives, each of which can have one or more Internal Control Questions. This terminology may not suit all organisations and is therefore configurable on installation to terminology specific to your company. Manuals or Standards documents can also be attached to a Questionnaire and viewed later in order to assist in the completion of the Questionnaire.
The software can be used to 'run' an Audit. The solution will require each Control Objective question to be answered resulting in a Control Objective Summary. Any number of Control Objectives and Questions can be added to the system complete with answer history. Required Action Points can be set where the severity of non-compliance can be set and relevant notes made throughout. Severity levels can be set and trigger pre-determined target completion date set.
When all ICQ's and Objectives have been completed a Draft Audit stage will be reached. Audits and Draft Audits will be listed and can be sorted in any required order and easily found. Once selected the Audit can be reviewed and all Reports provided on-screen for final editing before a Final Audit Report is prepared.
When all RAPs in an Audit are completed, that Audit can be changed to Completed status.